Registered user since Thu 4 May 2017
Name:Andreas Nuyts
I am a postdoctoral fellow of the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) at imec-DistriNet, KU Leuven, Belgium. I obtained my PhD at this same university in August 2020, and have subsequently worked for 1 year at VUB.
Most of my research is about dependent type theory. There, I am interested in the theory and implementation of modal and presheaf type theory (particularly directed type theory), a quest which also led me to an interest in general syntactic aspects of type theory. I am also fascinated by the question of how to reason about side-effects in dependent type theory. Furthermore, I have been involved in a line of research on categorifying secure compilation.
Affiliation:KU Leuven, Belgium
Personal website: https://anuyts.github.io
X (Twitter): https://x.com/anuytstt
GitHub: https://github.com/anuyts
Research interests:Dependent type theory, parametricity, directed type theory, presheaf models
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