ICFP 2022
Sun 11 - Fri 16 September 2022 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Sun 11 Sep 2022 11:00 - 11:30 at E3 - Talks I

Mu and Cortex are, respectively, a dialect of Haskell and a runtime system used at Standard Chartered Bank for financial modeling and analytics. The Mu compiler is a proprietary implementation in use since 2009. In 2021 we started work on a new implementation based on the Glasgow Haskell Compiler.

Mu and Cortex differ from GHC’s assumptions about its source language and compilation target in interesting ways: among others, Mu uses strict evaluation, and Cortex supports polymorphic definitions but doesn’t adhere to parametricity. We address some of these challenges with creative use of the public API of GHC, and others by patching GHC itself.

This talk is an experience report of this work-in-progress effort, explaining the important aspects of Mu and Cortex, the compilation pipeline of the original Mu compiler, and our design for a new compilation pipeline using GHC as the frontend. We also present the customizations we apply to GHC, some of which may turn out to be of general interest for upstream GHC development.

Sun 11 Sep

Displayed time zone: Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague change

11:00 - 12:30
Talks IHIW at E3
Compiling Mu with GHC: Halfway Down the Rabbit Hole
Gergő Érdi Standard Chartered Bank
File Attached
A Termination Checker for Haskell Rewrite Rules
Makoto Hamana Gunma University, Japan
Annotating Deeply Embedded Languages
Robbert van der Helm , Trevor L. McDonell Utrecht University, Gabriele Keller Utrecht University