ICFP 2022 (series) / TyDe 2022 (series) / TyDe 2022 / Towards Dependently-Typed Control Effects (Extended Abstract)
Towards Dependently-Typed Control Effects (Extended Abstract)Virtual
Dependent types and computational effects are indispensable for safe implementation of realistic programs. This abstract presents our ongoing work on designing a dependently-typed language with delimited control operators. We extend our previous language with conditionals whose branches may have different types and effects, and show how this language features makes it harder to type and CPS-translate programs.
slides (tyde22.pdf) | 476KiB |
Sun 11 SepDisplayed time zone: Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague change
Sun 11 Sep
Displayed time zone: Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague change
11:00 - 12:30 | |||
11:00 18mShort-paper | Idris2-Table: evaluating dependently-typed tables with the Brown Benchmark for Table Types (Extended Abstract) TyDe Robert Wright The University of Edinburgh, UK, Michel Steuwer University of Edinburgh, Ohad Kammar University of Edinburgh | ||
11:18 18mShort-paper | Syntax-Generic Operations, Reflectively Reified (Extended Abstract) TyDe Tzu-Chi Lin Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Hsiang-Shang ‘Josh’ Ko Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica Pre-print | ||
11:36 18mShort-paper | Toward Grammar Inference via Refinement Types (Extended Abstract) TyDe Pre-print Media Attached | ||
11:54 18mShort-paper | Towards Dependently-Typed Control Effects (Extended Abstract)Virtual TyDe File Attached | ||
12:12 18mFull-paper | tylr, a tiny tile-based structure editor TyDe David Moon University of Michigan, Andrew Blinn University of Michigan, Cyrus Omar University of Michigan DOI Pre-print |